
What Ya Wanna Know Wednesday: Getting Fabulous Photos #1

So you see all these people with the most fantastic pics of their kids, and well, yours kinda suck.  Welcome to the very first What Ya Wanna Know Wednesday Series, Getting Fabulous Photos.  I'll have you taking the photos everyone will be envious of!  And, no, you don't have to have a super-de-dooper expensive camera to get some great results!

First off we are going to discuss getting to know your camera.  So here's some steps to turn your camera into your best friend!

1. Read your Manual!!! Seriously, by the time that you're done with this step, you probably won't need to continue reading!

2. Know just a few terms.  Ok, maybe this would be better as the first step cause it may help you understand your manual better.  Every camera operates in essentially the same way.  You can find out how to adjust your settings in your manual.

Fontanaknowledge Has an amazing series of Tutorials on knowing your camera

Now that you know the basics of your camera, experiment! Get in every light source you can imagine and snap away! Figure out what settings work best with your camera!

I could literally write a whole series just on how your camera works, but I'll limit it to this, cause I really just want ya to get some good pics! If you have any questions, feel free to ask away!


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